Public Procurements

An experienced supplier to Denmark's public sector

The Agency for Public Finance and Management has selected Stibo Complete as a partner and supplier of printing services and standard copy and printing services to Denmark’s public sector.

We have been providing communications and publishing services to ministries, agencies, regions, municipalities, and a wide range of other public organisations since 1661. Our extensive experience means that we have the right competencies and that we understand the premises and decision-making processes that are applicable to public organisations.

As a permanent supplier (under the so-called ‘printing agreement’) we offer the Danish State attractive fixed pricing and advantageous delivery terms for the provision of a range of standard tasks. The framework agreement also means that public institutions no longer have to put major tasks out as public tenders but can suffice with so-called ‘mini-tenders’ for pre-qualified printers.

Stibo Complete covers all graphic products and services under the framework contract. Our electronic ordering system makes it easy and efficient to order and purchase printed matter.

Your benefits

Denmark's most experienced supplier of printed matter to the Danish public sector

A supplier that possesses knowledge and an understanding of the premises and decision-making processes in the public sector

A high level of professional competencies, great production packages, as well as quick delivery.

No resource-intensive tender bids when you purchase via a selected and approved supplier

Easy and efficient ordering via our electronic ordering system

All services are ordered in one place

Would you like to find out more about what we can offer public sector organisations?

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