Captivating Scents
Awaken the Senses and Increase Sales With Scented Coating
From pineapple to sage to popcorn – give your print product a very special touch and reach your customers on several sensory levels.
We experience the world with all our senses and even associate memories with certain smells, sounds or tastes. Print as a medium can be experienced haptically, visually and, through the sound of the crackling paper, auditorily as well. But print products can also be specially perceived by our sense of smell by giving them a very characteristic scent. Smells awaken memories and trigger feelings in us. This is to your advantage, because scents can increase the impulse to make a purchase and thus boost sales – not to mention the fact that the likelihood of repeat purchases also increases. The scent creates a feeling of sympathy and a positive perception of your brand.
Support your advertising message with a scented varnish: The cinemas are opening again? Reinforce the joy of this with the enticing smell of popcorn. Are you sending Christmas greetings to your customers? The smell of gingerbread also triggers a cosy, comfortable feeling and creates a festive Christmas atmosphere.
Whatever your message, there is surely a suitable scented varnish for it, which we will apply to your printed product.
Scented coating is perfect
- to stay in the mind of the customer
- to enhance a positive image
- to stand out from the competition
Experience print with all your senses! Just contact us, we will be happy to advise you and realise your print product according to your wishes.
Marie Hennschen