Back to the Future

Actively Increase Sales With Postal Mailings

“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!” – The same applies to your print marketing exactly! Get a significant advantage by thinking about the future today and start actively increasing your sales now.

You are wondering how? The answer is quite simple: with individualised postal mailings. Most of your customers are currently at home – there is no better place to reach them right now than in their own four walls. In times of constant home offices, where professional life merges with private life, people long for some privacy, for something “just for me”. Individualised mailings convey this very feeling and bring a bit of appreciation into your customer’s life. “Our new styles just for you, John Doe!” could be the headline of your premium mailing.

There are no limits to the possibilities of individualisation: personal voucher codes, personal address, special discounts or coupons, and much more. Whether it’s a voucher mailing for a birthday or a symbol of gratitude for special loyalty, there is always a reason to strengthen customer loyalty. Address different target groups with different motives, promotions or products.

The best thing about mailings sent via post? While e-mails end up in the spam folder, get lost in the mass of advertising e-mails or are simply unsubscribed – no matter how good the content may be – mailings sent via post are 100% DSGVO-compliant, have a conversion rate of 4.9% and a ROAS of 990%. Print mailings safely land in the letterbox, are touched and held in the hand, are noticed, read and cannot be deleted immediately.

Stay in the memory of your customers and send offline mailings that leave a lasting impression – through individualisation.


Would you like to learn more about the individualisation possibilities of print?

Then get in touch with me, I’ll be happy to help you.

Philip Meyer
+49 4342 765-4815