Mellow Colour

Proficient Printers

All printers in the Proficient Printer register have been trained in the practical implementation of ISO 12647 and the use of the Mellow Colour Print quality management system. They all have a designated Colour Champion and a colour quality team focused on creating a culture of continuous improvement through the measurement and analysis of colour.

They use combinations of presses, equipment and consumables optimised to meet the requirements and tolerances of the ISO 12647 specification – plus the demanding grey balance requirements of the Mellow Colour Quality System. They all use D50 illumination in colour critical areas for viewing of prints and proofs. Their colour measurement equipment is regularly calibrated and certified by the manufacturer, and they are visited every six months by a Mellow Colour specialist for audit training and review.

In other words, these printers, like the Eversfrank Group, put a lot of resources into producing a consistent, standardised colour image that meets the ISO 12647 specification.


Source: Mellow Colour